Bookish Trailblazers is where thrill-seekers unite to conquer the wild world of books. Each month we delve into stories and narratives that transport us around the world to new breathtaking locations.
Join us as we travel back in time to mid-century Colorado with Shelley Read's book "Go as a River". Victoria is a 17 year-old girl living on a Colorado Peach Farm in 1978. One day while returning to her village, she encounters a disheveled stranger and her life is never the same again. This story is based on true events in the 1960s when the town of Lola was destroyed by the creation of Blue Mesa Reservoir. "Go as a River" creates a rich world of history and drama all within the breathtaking and familiar beauty of the Colorado mountains.
Books will be ready for pick-up on October 24th
Have you already read this title? Join us for the discussion! Registration is not required for those that do not need to pick up the title from us.
* To cancel your reservation, contact the library by phone or email ( 24 hours in advance. Failure to return your book at the end of the month may result in a $10 fine for paperbacks or $15 for hardbacks.
* All attendees must be 18+. Registration is required to receive a copy of the title. Books not picked up after 7 days of the pick up notification date will result in a cancellation of registration to accommodate waitlists.