Each month in Lil' STEAM, we will read a story and then explore a theme from the story with a related activity.
Calling all inchworms! Can you measure your excitement for this session of Lil’ STEAM? Measuring is fun, and you don’t need a ruler or a measuring tape to do so. After we read Inch By Inch by Leo Lionni, we will be visited by inchworms, who will help measure things around us.
For ages 3-5. Registration required. Please register each child separately that will be attending the program using the child's first and last name.
Lil' STEAM is offered twice a month. The same program theme will be offered in each instance; we kindly ask that you register for only one offering per month so as to allow the greatest number of people possible to enjoy this popular program. We’ll meet in the Pikes Peak room at the Windsor Library.
Photographs taken during library events may be used for Clearview Library District publicity. If you would like to opt out, please let the photographer know at the time the picture is being taken.
Please email Asa at asa@clearviewlibrary.org for more information.