Join us in person for Not Your Boring Book Club every Tuesday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. beginning March 7 through March 28, 2023.
This is no ordinary book club! During this session we will be reading adventure books. You get to choose the book you want to read from a selection of three options: Maze of Bones by Rick Riordan, Zita the Spacegirl by Ben Hatke or Epic Zero by R.L. Ullman. We will read and talk about the books, but we will also play superhero minute-to-win-it games, eat snacks, create artwork and make mazes for hexbugs!
Please be sure to click here to read about each book and make your selection.
You also need to click on the registration button on this page to be fully registered for this program. For ages 9-12. Please note that this program is registration-based only and each tween needs to be registered separately using their first and last name.
If you want to learn more specific details about each book you can go to Common Sense Media.
Photographs taken during library events may be used for Clearview Library District publicity.
For questions, please contact Foster ( or Diana (