Join the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program to learn about local birds of prey.
Learn about birds of prey that call our area home, the challenges they face in the wild, and how the Rocky Mountain Raptor Program helps protect our treasured wildlife. Meet live resident bird ambassadors and discover how you can be part of the mission to keep our communities, both human and wild, thriving!
To protect the birds, participants should remain seated throughout the program, refraining from throwing or waving objects at the raptors. Children under the age of five years old must be seated with an adult. Participants should be as quiet as possible, speaking in soft voices. Videotaping is not allowed.
Please register separately for each participant. We will meet in the Pikes Peak room at the library for this program.
Photographs taken during this event may be used for Clearview Library District publicity. If you would like to opt out, please let the photographer know at the time the picture is being taken.
For more information, please contact Trisha at